Mishawaka Avenue Streetscape Project

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Project Purpose

The City of South Bend will be making streetscape improvements to Mishawaka Avenue to encourage investment, promote safety, calm traffic, and expand the active transportation network.

Project Scope

Streetscape enhancements will be made to Mishawaka Avenue between Beyer Avenue/Longfellow Avenue and Emerson Avenue. The planned scope is as follows:

Beyer Avenue/Longfellow Avenue to Louise Street (Primary Project Area)

  • Conversion to a 3-lane street
  • Replacement of curbs, sidewalks, driveway approaches, and water main
  • Pavement reconstruction
  • New storm sewer
  • Raised intersection at Mishawaka and Beyer
  • Corner pedestrian safety bumpouts
  • Protected bike lanes
  • Pedestrian-scale ornamental lighting
  • Street trees
  • Benches
  • Bike racks

Louise Street to Emerson Avenue (Secondary Project Area)

  • Conversion to a 2- to 3-lane street with widened landscape median
  • Replacement of water main
  • Targeted replacement of sidewalks
  • Street repaving
  • New storm sewer
  • Corner pedestrian safety bumpouts
  • Protected bike lanes
  • Roadway-scale ornamental lighting
  • Street trees

Project Schedule

Construction is tentatively anticipated for spring-summer 2025.

Property Access

Portions of Mishawaka Avenue and its intersections will close during construction, but to the degree possible, access to properties will be maintained throughout the project. Use of driveway approaches will be restricted during removal, installation, and the concrete curing period after installation. Every effort will be made to minimize interruption to property access for residents and deliveries.

Project Purpose

The City of South Bend will be making streetscape improvements to Mishawaka Avenue to encourage investment, promote safety, calm traffic, and expand the active transportation network.

Project Scope

Streetscape enhancements will be made to Mishawaka Avenue between Beyer Avenue/Longfellow Avenue and Emerson Avenue. The planned scope is as follows:

Beyer Avenue/Longfellow Avenue to Louise Street (Primary Project Area)

  • Conversion to a 3-lane street
  • Replacement of curbs, sidewalks, driveway approaches, and water main
  • Pavement reconstruction
  • New storm sewer
  • Raised intersection at Mishawaka and Beyer
  • Corner pedestrian safety bumpouts
  • Protected bike lanes
  • Pedestrian-scale ornamental lighting
  • Street trees
  • Benches
  • Bike racks

Louise Street to Emerson Avenue (Secondary Project Area)

  • Conversion to a 2- to 3-lane street with widened landscape median
  • Replacement of water main
  • Targeted replacement of sidewalks
  • Street repaving
  • New storm sewer
  • Corner pedestrian safety bumpouts
  • Protected bike lanes
  • Roadway-scale ornamental lighting
  • Street trees

Project Schedule

Construction is tentatively anticipated for spring-summer 2025.

Property Access

Portions of Mishawaka Avenue and its intersections will close during construction, but to the degree possible, access to properties will be maintained throughout the project. Use of driveway approaches will be restricted during removal, installation, and the concrete curing period after installation. Every effort will be made to minimize interruption to property access for residents and deliveries.

Page last updated: 09 Aug 2024, 12:07 PM